Trash and Recycling

Trash and Recycling Days

  • Trash collection days are dependent on what street you live on. If you are unsure of your trash collection days, feel free to contact the borough.

  • The following link lists the days trash will not be collected due to holidays: 2024 Holiday Trash Collection Schedule

  • Recycling is collected every Wednesday, except during holiday weeks (New Years Day, Martin Luther King Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas)

Recycling Cans

  • If you need a green recycling can you can pick one up at borough hall.

Bulk Trash

  • Bulk trash pickups occur bi weekly on your scheduled second trash days.

  • Each household is limited to not more than one (1) items in each pickup.

  • If you would like to schedule a bulk trash pickup, please call Borough Hall at (610) 522-1305 during regular business hours and be prepared to provide your name, address and a list of the items being picked up.

  • NO appliances are accepted.

    Street Sweeping ( April - October)

  • Tuesday and Wednesday’s for more detailed information, see posted signs on the street.