Parking Permit Implentation

Folcroft Borough is in the process of implementing permit parking in the Delmar Village and Llanwellyn Gardens and Ravenwood neighborhoods.

Residents of the following streets will be affected:

Edwards Road (entire street)

Delview Drive (entire street)

Bennington Road (entire street)

Fowler Road (entire street)

Windsor Circle (entire street)

Glenn Ave (entire street)

Llanwellyn Ave (entire street)

Delmar Drive (entire street)

Taylor Drive (entire street)

Grant Road (entire street)

Kent Road (entire street)

Heather Road (entire street)

Carter Road (entire street)

Valleyview Drive (entire street)

King Ave (entire street)

Folcroft Ave (14-66 block)

A few notes about the parking permit plan:

  • Permits cost $60 annually

  • You will not be required to purchase a permit if you exclusively park in your driveway

  • No more than four permits may be issued per household

  • Monthly guest passes can be purchased for $10 per month

  • Applications can be obtained on the Borough website AND at Borough Hall

  • A valid parking permit will be required to park in the listed areas from 10:00pm to 6:00am

  • You will not need a permit to park on the street outside of the posted hours

  • Applicants will need a valid driver’s license, vehicle registration and proof of insurance

 Permits will be issued starting in August and must be renewed on an annual basis (for example: August 1st 2021 through August 1st 2022) though they do not need to necessarily be purchased on August 1st. No more than four permits can be issued per household. Permits cost $60 annually. Excess revenues generated from the parking permit program will be directed into a special fund intended specifically for the maintenance of the shared alleyways, though the details of this plan have not been finalized. New residents who do not have their Folcroft address listed on their driver’s license can utilize a utility bill, bank statement or potentially other official documentation to prove residency. While warnings will be issued initially, fines for parking without a permit will be $100.


Folcroft Community Garden - Plots Available!


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